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Suffering from low libido or reduced stamina during sex? Well, the bees can help you with this. Honey extracted from aphrodisiac flowers like jasmine and orchid can increase the potency in a man. The wonderful sweetness of honey in bed also takes its place in guides like the Kamasutra. Even the word honeymoon came up from an ancient practice of love when couples would go into seclusion and take the magical honey drink and it was believed it would increase their sexual desire and prowess. And we guess the ancients were right. The honey base is full of a mineral called boron which is known to boost testosterone while metabolizing osteogeny.

Health and sexual benefits of honey 
Food and Drug Administration denes an aphrodisiac drug product as “any product that bears labeling claims that it will arouse or increase sexual desire, or that it will improve sexual performance.” We love telling people about the health benefits of raw honey. It stands to reason, then, that if you feel healthier, you’re more likely to have a better sexual performance than if you didn’t, right? 

Those who advocate for honey as an aphrodisiac tend to point to its boron and B vitamins. Honey contains boron, a trace mineral used for building strong bones and improving muscle coordination. e results of a study in Integrative Medicine: A Clinician’s Journal conclude that boron beneficially impacts the body’s use of estrogen, testosterone, and vitamin D.

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Honey Price - Small one 2000, 3000 and 4000 